Recent news​
Creation Art Exhibit - now thru June 14th, 2013
April 2013
Seattle's St. James Cathedral is hosting an art exhibit from APRIL 14 thru JUNE 14, 2013.
​A photograph of mine, entitled Spark, is a part of this exhibit.
The theme of the exhibit is CREATION, and hangs in the chapel at St. James.

The Guild's newest designs! ​​​​
June 2013
The Paternoster Guild has been busy gallivanting around to Medieval/Renaissance Faires this spring. Now we are staying put for a time and working on new designs, and maybe a podcast or two.
You can follow our latest happenings on our Facebook page....
Color Wheel - a new jewelry collection
May 2013
I adore color. A friend once likened my creativity to that of a color wheel, and that image has stuck with me. So I decided to create a collection of earrings focused on stones of deep, gorgeous color, and photograph them against a lovely vintage drawing of a color wheel.
Check out my Etsy shop for these new pieces... red, orange, yellow, green, and more to come.